Multi-sensory fitness & enrichment for people living with Alzheimer's disease or other form of dementia
Please complete the form for more info!
For individuals living with
Middle to Late Stage Dementia
Pre Resistration Required
​Must attend with carepartner
United Church of Christ
1681 RidgewayRd(Rt 571
Toms River
Download flyer here
NEW program for people with
EARLY memory loss or MCI
The Power of MUSIC!
Exercise and Dementia studies
Studies conducted at the Mayo Clinic suggest that musical memories are often preserved in Alzheimer's disease because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease. Because music is processed in more areas of the brain than anything else….the memories connected to songs are still there! MOST important....Music connects us not only to the memories associated with the song, but to WHO we are, to other human beings, to gives back Sense of Self!
Music has been shown to relieve stress and reduce anxiety depression and agitation. Music is particularly beneficial for people struggling with cognitive decline because it is easier for them to access the memory of a cherished melody than to recall a person’s name or a past event.
Enhancing quality of life thru musical experiences may include listening, singing, or playing instruments, and musical skills or talents are not required to participate. Holidays or other religious or cultural traditions are a great way to introduce music to your loved one. These are experiences that are deeply embedded in our memory and connected to all senses from a young age…like a Soundtrack to our Lives.
Identify songs by year here: THE NOSTALGIA MACHINE
Creating a Musical Soundtrack can become a routine Daily Activity you can do to connect a person with dementia to the Music of their Lives....and then sharing and enjoying those songs and the memories that come alive in the process is a Gift of JOY to enjoy anytime.
The Power of Life Story
People living with dementia may not be able to remember recent events, but through creative reminiscing, we can help them capture their sense of self...and bring connections to those cherished memories and events of their lives....and strengthen their sense of Self.
The process builds a connection of trust & friendship with your loved one. Reminiscing is a wonderful activity for a care partner that can be included in the daily routine that gives both the person with dementia and the care partner a purposeful and enjoyable part of their day. In addition, collecting and using those memories and moments that are important to the person with dementia in a document like this example of a "Life Story Snapshot" can become the basis for better assisting the individual while maintaining dignity and quality of life as the disease progresses and more hands on care is required.
Creating, Saving and Sharing comprehensive Life information in a prepared document with a provider in a memory care community, nursing home, home care provider or hospital becomes a Valuable Tool to enhance quality of care.
Some items to include:
Basic current information: name, age, where they live now
Where they were born and places they lived
Significant relationships with family and friends
Childhood times and Working life
Significant places and life events
Holidays and Cultural info
Music/TV preferences
Activities they enjoy/don’t enjoy
Music preferences
Faith or Spiritual beliefs/routines
Preferences with their appearance
Food likes and dislikes - current & past
Routines, triggers and "chill pills"